Prostate massage
- Yerevan, Margaryan Street, 6/1
Prostate massage is a procedure that has positive effects on the male reproductive system. It allows to:
- stimulate blood flow in the prostate gland
- improve prostate secretion outflow
- improve the penetration of antibiotics into prostate tissue in bacterial prostatitis
- normalize the function of the prostate gland
The indications
The procedure can be carried out for different purposes:
1.Curative. The procedure is carried out for pathologies such as:
- erectile dysfunction developed against the background of prostate pathologies;
- sexual dysfunction, decreased sexual activity;
- bacterial prostatitis when antibacterial drugs are not effective enough;
- asymptomatic prostatitis;
- chronic pelvic pain syndrome.
- Prophylactic. For example, hereditary predisposition to prostatitis.
- Diagnostic. Prostate massage helps to collect prostatic juice for research.
How is the procedure performed?
The massage is carried out with the index finger through the rectal wall. In this case, the patient gets on all fours, leaning on the surface of the couch with his elbows and knees. The doctor puts on a glove, lubricates the finger with lubricant and injects it to a depth of 4-5 cm. On average, the procedure lasts 5 minutes. The course usually consists of 10-15 procedures, they are held at intervals of 2-3 days.
In the SILK Medical clinic, prostate massage is carried out by experienced specialists. Prior to this procedure, a man is consulted by a urologist-andrologist. This is important because there are some contraindications. For example, prostate massage can not be performed with acute prostatitis and malignant neoplasms. The doctor carefully assesses the patient’s condition and prescribes the optimal course of procedures.