Ovarian Rejuvenation (PRP)
- Yerevan, Margaryan Street, 6/1
PRP therapy (Plasmolifting) is a method based on the introduction of a patient’s blood plasma enriched with platelets, which contain a large amount of substances that ensure the regeneration and growth of damaged tissues. After the ovarian PRP, vascular restoration, improvement of the supply of nutrients to the ovaries and their “rejuvenation” are observed. Growth factors contained in platelet-rich plasma stimulate the maturation and ovulation of eggs. As a result of the use of this technology, it is possible to restore reproductive function in women with a low supply of eggs.
How is the PRP procedure performed?
Several tubes of blood are taken from the vein and placed in a centrifuge. The centrifuge rotates rapidly, which allows the blood to be divided into layers. These are the upper layer containing platelets and white blood cells, the thin middle layer rich in white blood cells, and the lower layer containing red blood cells. This process is completed in about 45 minutes. The middle layer is typed on a separate needle, and the PRP that will be used in the treatment becomes ready for use. PRP is injected directly into the patient’s ovaries by transvaginal puncture of the ovaries. The procedure is performed under sedation anesthesia so that the patient does not feel pain.
In what cases is ovarian PRP used
Ovarian PRP therapy is indicated for women who have received the following medical reports:
- Perimenopause under the age of 50
- Low egg reserve and low AMH level
- Premature ovarian insufficiency
- Poor egg quality
Ovarian rejuvenation with PRP may be a good option for patients with reduced ovarian reserve, early menopause and the elderly. Because there is no other treatment option other than PRP to increase the chances of pregnancy for these women. However, the expected success rate of PRP is limited. Current data shows that PRP works for some women, while others do not show the expected success.