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Pipel-endometrial biopsy

Pipel-endometrial biopsy

Addresses of clinics providing the service:
  • Yerevan, Margaryan Street, 6/1

A pipel biopsy is a procedure during which a doctor receives cells of the uterine mucosa in order to then send them to a laboratory for examination. This technique helps to diagnose malignant tumors and other pathologies with a high degree of reliability.


A pipel biopsy in Yerevan can be carried out at the SILK Medical Clinic.



The most common indications for a pipel biopsy include: 

  • Menstrual disorders: if they become unusually abundant, long, irregular or absent.
  • Vaginal bleeding in postmenopause
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding during tamoxifen treatment or other hormonal therapy
  • Thickening, pathological formations of the uterine mucosa according to ultrasound results
  • Detection of abnormal cells in a Pap smear



Preliminarily, the gynecologist talks with the woman, finds out what chronic diseases she suffers, what medications she takes, whether she has allergic reactions.

Before the procedure, the doctor may recommend taking ibuprofen or another drug from the group of nonsteroidal anti–inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – this will help reduce the pain. Medications may also be prescribed to help prepare the cervix for the procedure.


How is the procedure carried out?

All the manipulations in the pipe biopsy take from 5 to 15 minutes, they are performed outpatient. Anesthesia is not required. The procedure consists of several stages:

  1. A woman is asked to undress below the waist and sit in a gynecological chair. 
  2. Gynecological mirrors are inserted into the vagina to open it and provide a view of the cervix.
  3. A special instrument in the form of a thin tube is inserted through the cervix into its cavity. At the end of this tube there are holes, and inside there is a piston.
  4. The doctor pulls the plunger, and under the influence of the vacuum force, endometrial cells are sucked into the tube. They are sent to the laboratory for examination under a microscope.


After the biopsy

Immediately after the procedure, you can get dressed and go home. Within 48 hours, a slight pain and feeling of cramps may bother you – they can be relieved with painkillers. Within a few days, you need to follow some recommendations: 

  • wear gynecological pads;
  • do not use tampons and do not douche;
  • refrain from sexual contact;
  • avoid intense physical activity, taking a bath, visiting the pool.

In SILK Medical Clinic Yerevan  all diagnostic procedures are carried out by experienced specialists. Based on the results of the study, you can immediately get advice from a highly qualified gynecologist, who will prescribe effective treatment.

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