Mo-Fr 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Sa-Su 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Երևան, Մարգարյան փողոց, 6/1

A caring and personalized approach to preserving women’s health

15 IVF programs and other modern technologies for treatment efficiency

An international team of of leading experts in the field of Reproduction

Modern state-of-the-art equipment and facilities laboratories and operating rooms

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Live without pain
Rheumatology is a branch of medicine that studies systemic autoimmune diseases that often affect the joints and spine, as well as other organs and tissues. Without treatment rheumatological diseases progress, so it is important to seek help from a rheumatologist in time.
A highly qualified and experienced rheumatologist conducts a reception at the SILK Medical multidisciplinary Medical Center. In their work, doctors are guided by the principles of evidence-based medicine. An individual treatment plan is selected for each patient, developed based on the results of the examination and taking into account the characteristics of the organism.

- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Polymyalgia rheumatica
- Raynaud’s syndrome
- Arthritis (rheumatoid, gouty, reactive, psoriatic)
- Osteoarthritis
- Systemic scleroderma, lupus erythematosus, vasculitis
- Osteoporosis
- Polymyositis and others.

It is recommended to consult a rheumatologist in case of the following complaints:
- pain in the joints and spine that occurs after exercise or at rest
- limitation of mobility
- morning stiffness of movements
- swelling and redness of the joints
- muscle weakness
- joint and spine pain occurring at rest
- changes in blood tests (decrease in the number of leukocytes and platelets)
- episodes of fever more than 38 S, recurring with a certain frequency and not associated with infection
Rheumatologist’s appointment
The initial appointment begins with the collection of basic data: complaints, anamnesis of the disease and life.

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